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The Center of Secondary and Vocational Schools, apart from its educational tasks, pays much attention to tutorial and tutelary issues. Preparing the students for their future professional life or further education is not the only objective to reach but there is also formation of personal dispositions, characters, enabling active participation in social life.
The tutorial tasks worked out by school staff are coordinated accordingly to the school programme, which covers all areas of student's personality.
Teachers know well the image of the alumnus they would like to create in future and this model is the target to achieve in their pedagogical work. The mentioned image changes together with ongoing social and economical transformations. Many characteristics however, of spiritual, moral or intellectual value do not pass away and are up to date all the time. The teachers want their to become professionals, responsible family members and creative part of local societies.
The school is aware of the fact that not all of its well-educated alumni will find employment in their chosen professions. Some of them will have to take jobs not connected with what they will have learned. Therefore one of the school's tasks is to prepare its pupils to manage their lives in an active, rational and acceptable way when they find themselves in difficult situation caused by high unemployment rate. They must know that constant self-improvement based on diligence, reliability and persistence is the only way to perform in present, insecure world.
The school knows that family home is the most important in this environment. There, the student's character is shaped and the system of values is transferred. Therefore, according to the programme, our school actively supports the parents, offering help and advice, looking after the children from pathological families. The latter varies in its form. Sometimes it is a word of consolation, sometimes a friendly gesture and if possible- material helps.
In its pedagogical plan there is also place for the implementation of preventive and health programmes. The school tries to counteract the growing phenomena of numerous addictions.
The very important issue, absorbing the teacher's attention is the problem of rising aggression and brutality among both teenagers and adults. The school makes attempts not to neglect behaviors of this kind and to promote attitudes of tolerance, acceptation, empathy, and mutual respect.
Patronage and pedagogical activities concern for education and extensive development are the issues, which are systematically taken up by the school, which is actively involved in the mission for the benefit of young people, their parents, local community and the country.

Zespół Szkół im. Adama Wodziczki w Mosinie

62-050 Mosina, ul. Topolowa 2, tel. 61-81-32-922, e-mail: zsmosina

Witrynę redaguje: Paweł Zawieja